
sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Tiesto con Hadas - Pot with fairies

Otro cubo metálico que decoré, está vez usando hadas y decoupage...

Another metallic bucket, this time decorated with fairies and decoupage...

3 comentarios:

  1. Un tiesto preciosismo...!!!, y esas haditas cuidaran de que la planta crezca feliz y en un entorno mágico.


    Galia y Mamá

  2. Gracias por tus palabras, que tengas una estupenda semana, un besote.

  3. Hi Eva, great to meet you ! Did you paint this pot ? It looks Beeeeautifull!!! Have to check you other postings.
    Send you faery best wishes to Spain ! I love spain and the speech, have visited severall times in the past a small village (Albuixech) close to Valencia because my brother in law is originally from there.But I haven´t made it to learn more than a few words. I wish I could speak spanish !!!
