
viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

La libreria de la Bruja Brunilda - the Bookstore of the Witch Brunhild

Este mundo de los blogs, como ya he dicho varias veces, solo hace que darme satisfacciones. Comentarios amables, dulces, de apoyo, de ánimo, sorprendentes. He recibido regalos de diferentes lugares del mundo, consejos, totoriales, ayuda desinteresada.
Hoy me han regalado algo extraordinario, una joya, un cuento que se basa en mi escena, la librería de las brujas. Os presento el cuento de la Librería de la Bruja Brunilda.
Pinchad sobre el enlace y podréis leerlo. Os encantará.
Begoña es miniaturista y debido a su formación también escribe preciosos cuentos que publica en su blog Mi baúl de cuentos.
Estoy encantada y emocionada. Abrumada diría yo por un regalo tan bello. Gracias Begoña, de todo corazón.

Blogland, as I said several times, just give me satisfaction. Comments polite comments, sweet, support, encouragement or amazing. I have received gifts from different parts of the world, tips, totoriales, disinterested help.
Today I have received something special, a jewel, a fairytale based on my scene, the witchy bookcase.

Let me introduce you the fairytale of the Bookstore of the Witch Brunhild. Click on the link and you can read it. I love it. The problem is that is written in Spanish....
Begoña is miniaturist and because of her professional background also writes beautiful fairytales published on her blog Mi baúl de cuentos (My chest of fairy tales).
I am thrilled and excited. I can say also overwhelmed by such a wonderful gift. Thanks Begoña, wholeheartedly.

I will use the translator...because is long... so forgive me if sounds "strange"...LOL

There is a place hidden in a mountain called: Villages-assembled. It is a mountain very complete, not lacking anything, has its singing river, peaking its meadows, its thick forest of birch trees that look like silver magic ... and of course different villages of the more colorful characters: the comfortable houses mushroom gnomes, the cabins of fairies, colorful and exquisite gardens .. and the witches village with huts full of mystery. And of course all the animals in their dens protected, all coexist in total harmony !!!!! so in its first Health Assembly decided to call their mountain villages gathered ...
One morning the local mail delivered the news: the witch Brunilda had opened to the public a bookstore for everyone that need his books and potions ... The news spread like wildfire to every corner .... and it became fashionable go for a walk and visit the Bookstore.

The witch Bruni, as many affectionately called her, is an atypical witch, different: young, friendly, beautiful, helpful, everyone liked him very much !!!!!! She was popular.
The Bookstore was a great success and ointments and herbal potions were served, for a toothache, headache, of punishment of the soul, a good Pupurri that nothing was reluctant to pain.
Now you shall know the
leprechaun Duldun, very curious and faithful, who looks after the interests of Brunhild. The first avalanche days to know the bookstore he was nervous:
- Organize, organize yourselves in the queue, come back tomorrow!!
and Bruni whispered to him: you have to be kind with customers ...
- But many just look !!!!!!
- You have to give them time, he said the witch judgmental, be kind.
One day a stranger arrived, she was a tiny human child so mini mini
that Duldun asked her:
-Are you a Foreign???? or a flea??? In our villages there were no fleas but one time in a book Duldun read a story about rarest of tiny beings that were biting and quite upset .... The little girl took offense:
- A flea? I do not say this. I am a very tiny tiny girl so call me Tiny
- Tiny ???????????? Really you are ... and what are you doing in our mountain ??????
- My dad is a woodcutter and I crashed out of pocket ... I'm looking for him but do not find him....
- As the wodcutters here have nothing to do because we have guardians who care for our trees .. and your dad will have gone home ....
- Without me??
- He probably think that you are sleeping in his pocket!!
Brunilda, loving, approaches to her and when she noticed that Tiny get lost, she offereded her caresses and comforts
- I have green boots made of chewing gum if you wear them you will find your house!! you can not stay here ... we could step you.

-I have to thank my parents always climb up the table .... well, I will try to put the boots ... but they are very scared grandews. I'm going to fall!!, said Tiny
-save your words suspicious !!!!! the leprechaun tells her angry .. when Brunilda does not say you for nothing ..
She obeys and put her left foot on the boot and with no effort she drop inside and is swallowed by the boot, the boot shrinks and becomes mini, mini and fits beautifully zap in the little feet of tiny !!!!! She, enchanted takes the other boot. Politely she thanks the witch and the leprechaun and when she gives her first step she run as a
fireball !!!!! Brunilda and Duldun .. heard how she has already arrived with his family.
The radio, television and the local newspaper talk in the news about the miracle
of green boots made with chewing gum... And herbookstore was so famous that she had to open branches in
the valley, the forest and her name came up out of the mountain .... and in a neighboring village to the mountain where human and loggers lives have a bookstore like the Brunilda' one and when they inaugurated it, the seller was Tiny that over the counter was attentive and solicitous of their customers ....
After a time Brunilda visited the small Tiny ...
Brunilda said: I wore a special syrup .. you haveto take it for 12 days when the first stars come out at night
Tiny knew she had to do what the witch asked without protest, not a peep as Duldun told her ... And surely you guess that little tiny grew and her parents change her name and gave her a new name: EVA.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Historia de los zapartos - Shoes story

Me gustaría explicaros porque hace 30 años que tengo los zapatitos y como los conseguí.
El día 6 de Enero, el día de los Reyes Magos en el Roscón de Reyes o Tortell de Reis que decimos en Cataluña, sabeis que podemos encontrar una pequeña sorpresa dentro aparte de la Haba (o faba). En Inglés lo explico más porque no todo el mundo tienes esta tradición o si, pero el Roscón se llama de otra manera.
Pues cuando tenía 5 o 6 años, no estoy segura, apareció un solo zapato en nuestro Roscón. en realidad es un colgante para un collar.
La suerte quiso que al año siguiente apareciese otro exactamente igual. Tenéis razón, son preciosos, hechos con metal y delicadamente trabajdos y pintados.
Mi madre los ha estado guardando todos estos años y me los dió el otro día para mi proyecto de habitación shabby chic que no tengo ni idea cuando la haré.
Es una bonita historia ¿verdad?
I will explain the story, why for 30 years I have had the shoes and how I obtained them.
The 6th of January we celebrate the tradition of the Three magi kings or the three wise man. We have a tradition,we eat for having breakfast o for a dessert after lunch a typical cake that we call Roscón de Reyes in Spanish or Tortell de Reis in Catalan, that is where I live (translation: kings' cake), is a type of cake associated with the festival of Epiphany in the Christmas season in a number of countries. It is popular in Christmas season in France, Belgium and Switzerland (galette/gâteau des Rois), Portugal (Bolo Rei), Greece and Cyprus (yasilopita) and Bulgaria (banitsa). Of course correct me if I am wrong, please.
The cakes have a small trinket (often a small plastic baby, a tiny wise man, or a gift) inside, and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket has various privileges (such to wear the king crown) and get luck. Who find a "bean" (we call them la haba o la faba) has the obligation to pay the cake.
So when I was 5 or 6 years old, I am not sure, in our Roscón appeared one shoe (as a pendant of a neck lace). But just one.
We were vey lucky because next year in another Roscón appeared another equal tiny shoe. You are right they are gorgeous and are made with metal and detailed worked and painted
My mother has kept them all of these years and she gave them to me the other day for my shabby chic bedroom project (that I do not have any idea of when I will start).
It is a nice story, isn't it?

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Zapatos - Shoes

Hace más de 30 años que los tengo...
I have had it for more than 30 years...

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

La librería de las brujas - The witchy Bookcase

He acabado la escena relacionada con la magia y con las brujas: la librería de las brujas.

En realidad ha terminado siendo parte librería, parte un mundo de elfos y árboles que cobran vida.

I have finished the scene related with the magic and with the witches: the witchy bookcase.

Actually it has ended being divided in to parts: a bookcase and a world of elves and trees that are alive.

Ha sido un placer hacerla, por lo divertido de la temática, por hacer algo diferente y porque está llenos de regalos de amigas que me recuerdan lo bonito de la blogosfera, la amabilidad y el don de regalar sin esperar nada a cambio. Esta escena me ha ayudado a forjar nuevas amistades y a consolidar otras.

It has been a pleasure to do it, because I have had a lot of fun, because of the subject matter, because I have made something different and because it is full of friends' gifts that remind me that our mini blogosphere is so nice, the kindness and the gift of giving without waiting for anything in exchange. This scene has helped me to forge new friendships and to consolidate others.

Me gustaría decir que esta escena está dedicada a Nikki que me regaló un montón de material para poder hacerla. Hay un montón de detalles que me recuerdan a ella. Nikki, este post es un GRACIAS muy grande para tí.

I would like to say that this scene is dedicated to Nikki that gave me a huge amount of material and stuff to be able to do it. There is a lot of details that remind me to her. So Nikki, this post is a big THANK YOU to you.

Me gustaría invitaros a dar un pequeño paseo. Vamos de arriba a abajo y de derecha a izquierda.

I would like to invite you to give a small walk. We go from up to down and from right to left side.

Empezamos por el tope de libros que me regaló Sans y que lo encuentro precioso y muy delicado (había dos y el otro lo guardo para otra escena). Os dejo el comentario que publiqué cuando los recibí y los veréis en detalle: aquí

We begin for the book stopper that Sans sent me and that I it find so beautiful and delicated (there were two so I keep the other one for another scene).. .I leave you the post that I published when I received them, and you can see them in detail: here

Una poción llena de ojos (de Nikki) Fantástica.

A potion filled with eyes (from Nikki) Wonderful

Una bonita calabaza regalo de Sabiha

A pretty pumpkin that was a gift from Sabiha

Hay un frasco que guarda alas de hada (es de Nikki) para hacer las pociones en los calderos y una mini bruja que os vigila...
There is a flask that contains fairy's wings (from Nikki) to do the potions in the cauldrons and a mini witch who is watching you...

Un caldero con mandrágoras, huesos, cuernos de unicornio...

A cauldron with mandrakes, bones, horns of unicorn...

Cola de dragón y una vela con una calavera que le hace de candelero, todo hecho por mi y con Fimo o Prosculp. El libro es un regalo de mi amiga Yolanda y la poción verde de Nikki.

Tail of dragoon and a candle with a skull that it works as a candlestick, all made by me with Fimo or Prosculpt. The book is a gift from my friend Yolanda and the green potion from Nikki

Una bola de cristal para divinar el futuro y ¿por fin! pociones hechas por mi ;). un frasco con un potente veneno y jugo de mandrágora. Fijaros lo pequeñitos que son los frascos, son de cristal, se pueden abrir y cerrar y son una maravilla.
A crystall ball to guess the future and finally! Potions made by my :). A glass flask with a powerful poison and another one with juice of mandrake. To notice that the flasks are really tiny and reals, you can open and close and are a small glass marvel.

Una tabla con setas venenosas y mágicas, hechas con fimo...y el árbol del cual estoy muy orgullos ;)

A table with magic toadstools, made by Fimo

El fantástico gato negro fue uno de los regalos que recibi de Kathleen de Little thoughts from an average mind, cuando gané el sorteo de su cumpleaños.
The fantastic black cat was one of the gifts that Kathleen from Little thoughts from an average mind, when I won the drawing of her birthday giveaway.

El caldero enfadado que saca la lengua es un regalo de Ascensión (Visitad su reciente casita de cuentos para su nieto, una monería)

The angry cauldron that sticks out is a gift of Ascension Please go to her blog because you will a fairytales dollhouse that she has made for her grandson, so cute!

El precioso sombrero de bruja y la escoba fue comprado a Kat the Hat Lady (aquí hice una entrada cuando lo compré)

The gorgeous witch's hat and the broom was bought to Kat the Hat Lady (here you have the post when I bought it)

Me encanta el esqueleto... I love the skeleton...

Un caldero burbujeante donde se cuece el hueso de la pata de un animal para una poción mágica...

A bubbly cauldron where there is cooked the bone of the leg of an animal por a magic potion..

Mi elfo curioso...
My curious elf...

Y por supuesto muchos libros y pergaminos con maleficios, pociones y encantamientos

And of course a lot of books and scrolls with spells and potions

Y eso es todo...espero que hayáis sonreido...Ha sido muy divertido para mí. And that's all..I hope you had smiled... I have had a lot of fun...