
miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Intecambio Decoración Navideña - Christamas Ornament Exchange

Marsha de Sassay Mini dolls organizó un Intercambio de decoración navideña a tamaño real. Ayer todas las decoraciones se colgaron en su árbol virtual donde se ve los regalos de todos los que participamos. Si vais al blog de Sasha podréis ir a todos los blogs de los participantes y ver todos los regalos.

Marsha at http://sassyminidolls.blogspot.com/  hosted a Christmas Decoration Exchange at real scale, Yesterday all the decorations are there to see on her virtual Christmas tree There were several participants so its great to see everything together on the tree. If you visit Marsha's blog you will see the link of all particpants and see all the gifts.

Mi compañera de intercambio ha sido Glenda de Australia. Su blog se llama Sweet Daisy dreams.
Mirad que bonitos colgantes hechos a mano he recibido. Por supuesto luciran en mi árbol de Navidad!

My partner has been Glenda from Australia. Her blog is Sweet Daisy dreams.
Look all the beautiful handmade decorations that I have received it. For sure they will look beautiful in my Christmas tree.

Y esto es lo que yo le regalé y envié  a Glenda. Un par de bolas de Navidad hechas con a mano con la técnica de Patchwork.
And this is what I sent to Glenda. A couple of Christmas patchwork hangers to decorate the tree.

7 comentarios:

  1. Eva que bonito, ha sido una idea genial.
    Me encantan los regalitos que has recibido y los que tu has mandado son preciosos.
    besitos ascension

  2. que idea más original. La roja y verde me encanta como la has decorado.

  3. Eva, those patchwork balls are really adorable! I love them! This exchange has been really interesting to watch. Everyone did an excellent job. Glenda's Xmas decoration has so much personality and is definitely not run of the mill. Your tree is going to be gorgeous! Hope you made some of those patchwork for yourself. It will be interesting to fill one tree just with the patchwork balls. Excellent!

  4. I'm really enjoying looking at all the peoples blogs, that were involved in the exchange and seeing what Ornaments they sent and received.

  5. Que idea más bonita y vaya regalos más chulis, los que tú has recibido y los que le has enviado, me gusta.
    Pásate por mi blog, tienes un premio-cuestionario esperándote. Un beso

  6. Lovely ornaments! This exchange has been great fun!

  7. Hello!

    The Christmas tree is beautiful! So many awesome ornaments!

    Wishing you a happy weekend!

    Barbara Diane
