
domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Singapur-Barcelona II

Cuando Susan volvió a Barcelona el pasado 30 de Marzo etsuvimos muy felicies porque podía contarnos en persona todos los detalles del viaje Europeo que realizó. La mañana del dia de la ini quedada nos dió tiempo a pasear por la ciudad donde vivimos Terrassa (a 35 Km de Barcelona). Es una ciudad llena de viejas fábricas textiles ahora reconvertidas en museos, bares, talleres creativos, oficinas... y también con muchos edificios modernistas como el que veis abajo: La casa Alegre Sagrera.
When Susan came back to Barcelona the last March 30th night, we were very happy because she could explain us in person all the details of her trip around Europe. The morning of the day of our mini meeting we had enough time to walk around the city where we live Terrassa (35km away from Barcelona). It is a city with a lot of old textils factories now rebuilded into museum, handcrafted areas, companies, bars...) and modernism building, very art decó. Like this one below: La casa alegre Sagrera.

Casa Alegre de Sagrera en Terrassa (Barcelona)
O las iglesias románicas de San Pedro (siglo XI-XII) que tenemos muy bien conservadas.
O the romanic churches of Saint Peter (centuries XI-XII) that we had very well conserved.

Tempranito por la mañana, el domingo 1 de Abril nos fuimos a visitar el Teatro-Museo Dalí en Figueres (Girona). Que creo que impactó a Susan. La verdad es que es una maravilla.

Very early, Sunday morning (April 1st) we went to visit the Theater-Museum of Salvador Dalí (the great painter) in Figueres (Girona). I think that Susan was shocked because is wonderful.

Peratallada en pleno Empordà (Girona), un lugar precioso y encantador
Peratallada village in Empòrdà Area (Girona) a very beautiful place

Púbol, un pueblecito del Empordà, donde Salvador Dalí y su mujer Gala tenían una casa.
Púbol, a small village in Empordà area where Salvador Dalí and his wife Gala had a house

El viaje de Susan ha servido para unir culturas, gente, aficiones....para mi ha sido estupendo e inolvidable.
Susan's trip has been something great to join cultures, people, hobbies...for me just unforgettable and great

13 comentarios:

  1. Hi Eva! Thanks for showing these pictures! I really enjoyed your little sightseeing tour and I wish I could have been there together with you and Sans :-) I fell in love with this beautiful village! Hugs, Sandra

  2. Beautiful places! Thank you so much, Eva, for sharing them with us! It is easy to see you had a good time with Sans! there.:D
    Hugs and kisses!

  3. Wonderful pictures thanks for sharing. Makes me want to see these wonderful places for myself :)
    Hugs Maria

  4. Thank you so much for these lovely pictures - and for widening my horizon. I didn't know that the Dali-museum's building is so stunning (on the other hand... what else to expect from a building that showcases Dali's work - LOL). You live in an extremely beautiful part of the world - and me being me I have to confess I fell in love with the photo of that gorgeous door... and the photo of you two... and Dali showing Sans where to kiss him... and... ooops, better stop now... ;O)


  5. Susan ha tenido una guia fabulosa y gracias por compartir estas maravillas. Un saludo, Eva

  6. Que fotos más bonitas, Eva!!
    Me ha encantado veros,desde luego que Susan estará impactada con este viaje,que creo que será inolvidable para ella!!Es todo tan diferente a su cultura!!!
    Eres una guia excelente!!
    Besitos de las Malu´s.

  7. che belle foto e che posti magnifici!!!!!

  8. SEguro que Susan no olvida este viaje en la vida, en cuanto a ti, eres una anfitriona y una guia excelente.
    Un beso y gracias por compartir las fantásticas fotografías.

  9. Such lovely, beautiful places !! Definitely we must come and see with our own eyes!!
    Have a nice day, Ro
    PS how was the market yesterday?

  10. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful photographs Eva. The Theatre Museum of Salvador Dali is totally stunning and I love the photos of the beautiful Peratallada villiage!!!
    vicky xxxx

  11. Quines cosses mes boniques que tenim a Catalunya !! . Segur que la Susan va quedar meravellada i mes amb una bona anfitriona com tu .

  12. *Wolf whistles!

    Eva, you have reached a new height in photography! Those pictures are just fabulous! There's something about enlarging them on "X-Large" that makes the pictures jump out at you. I love that you did that for this post.

    And awww...the memories, the sights, the walks, our conversations ! I can almost see us again with those pictures. Like when you were telling me how much you love that glass room in La Casa Alegre Sagrera. Or you pointing out which house you and family were staying at Peratallada. Or me trying to say "Peratallada" :):).

    There's no doubt now that this trip rank no.1 on Top 10 great trips Susan ever made in her life so far :).

  13. Que fantasticas fotografias.
    Parece mentira que yo viviendo aqui, algunos sitios no los conozca.
    Gracias tesoro.
    besitos ascension
