Ayer me escribió Montse Riqué felicitándome por la publicación de mi escena Mediterránea en la revista Miniaturas y me dió una alegria tremenda
. Todavía no había podido comprar la revista este mes y no lo había visto, así que hoy he corrido al quiosco claro. Y mis padres ya tienen una :)
Muchas, muchas gracias al equipo de la revista, es una emoción muy bonita que nunca había experimentado.
Si haces clic en la imagen podrás ver la imagen más grande.
Yesterday Montse Riqué wrote me congratulating because my Mediterranean scene has been published in the Spanish magazine "Miniaturas" and it gave to me a tremendous happiness :). I had not still bought the magazine this month and I had not seen it, so today I have run to buy it. And my parents already have one:)

Many, thank you very much to all the magazine team, it is a very nice emotion that had never experimented.
If you do click in the picture you will enlarge. This is what is written, translated from Spanish of course:
I would like to show you one of my recent scenes dedicated to the Mediterranean. I was born in Barcelona, so it is present in my life and I love to be close to it. As you can see the escene is not very big, though it is full of things related to the sea and the nautical theme. Practically everything was done for my, except all the shells, shells and mini skeletons of hedgehogs (that me Sabiha sent from Holland) and that are a mini treasure since I am a biologist and they are real. Also there are other Sabiha's precious gifts (the draw of the crab), of Marver (some nautical maps), of Carmen (the small dolphin that it appreciates in the network of fishing) and the Mavi Fernandez's hyacinth that I bought time ago.
I wanted that everything was white or blue with his different ranges to be able to harmonize better.
The whitewashed walls and the rustic joist give a seaworthy air and very Mediterranean as the window across which you can see precious people Cadaqués in Girona . The window and the table are the big protagonists. The table is done following Leo Furtado's tutorial using clothes pegs. I decided that the surface table would be done with real mosaic, and there it is, in whitly and light blue. I did a fish net and added many shells and winkles gathered in the shore of the beach during the summer. In a scaled box they guard the nautical letters and some maps (maybe of hidden treasures). I did the tiny lighthouse with a hood of felt-tip pen, part of the packing of a collyrium and dried air paste, and all the frames of the pictures using polymer clay and balsa wood.The lamp is identical to one that I have at home and it was difficult to me to do becauseI am not used to work with tin. The tiny ship, took me days to think how to do its hull. Ultimately the solution came eating pistachios, it is half shell and the rest I spin, balsa wood ardboard. It is baptized with the name of my son Arnau.

33 comentarios:
Felicidades Eva. En verdad es una escena preciosa, y se ve muy trabajada, llena de detalles. Enhorabuena
EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I am soooooooo thrilled, jumping up and down for you :). It is so spectacular to be featured in Miniatura :). EXCiTING! Frame it up, dear. And scan the page for me? :) I want to show mum. loads of love and kisses for my famous friend :).
Enhorabuena por la publicacion.
Lo he visto hoyyyyy!!!! fui a la papelería a comprar la revista y lo víiii!!!felicidadeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! qué bien, me alegro muchísimo por tí Eva!! besooooos
Felicidades todavía no la tengo pero el lunes correré a conseguirla sin duda.
un abrazo
Enhorabuena preciosa!!!!
Te quedo maravillosa!!!!!!
besitos ascension
Oh Wow, Eva! I'm really happy for you and the lovely surprise.
I bet you have been jumping up and down. I did that the first time i did a project and kept singing and dancing around.
Its a beautiful scene and they have also shown it to it best and pput it all together ever so well.
Congratulations and lots of love, Nikki xxx
Congratulations Eva! Very well deserved! Your minis are wonderful!
Congrats! You deserve it Eva!:)The scene is beautiful!
I don't think I commented at the time ....but I thought your scene so typical of the mediterranean & beautifully done. The view from the window is of Santorini isn't it?
I'm sure Miniatura should be proud to feature you!!
hugs Karin
Hi Karin
The picture is not from Santorini in Greece.
The white village is Cadaques in Spain, in the Mediterranean coast.
Two hours far from my home :)
A really beautiful place!
YEAH!!!! Eva, Congratulations!! That's awesome. Your work is fabulous so I'm not too surprised, but still I'm very excited for you!
Muchas felicidades Eva!!
Enhorabuena guapa cuanto me alegro por, ti muchos besos. Yolanda.
Enhorabuena por tu publicacion!!
Congratulations Eva, and my compliments, the scene is so fantastic. Its obvious why the wanted to print an article about it, great details.
Love, Susanne
Me alegro mucho, es todo un éxito¡¡
Los detalles impresionantes ¡¡¡
¡¡¡Me encantan !!!
Besos fuertes¡¡¡¡
Muac, muac, ....
Felicidades Eva!
Es es una escena preciosa!
Te mereces la publicación.
Con abrasos y besos enormes,
Enhorabuena guapa! realmente tus trabajos están muy bien hechos. Me alegro un montón.
Felicitaciones! Muy bien merecido. Eres una tremenda artista.
Conratulations Eva!!
The beach scene is wonderful!
Mi más sincera enhorabuena Eva!! Tus trabajos se lo merecen y este en concreto es una preciosidad!!!
Te felicito de todo corazón,
Un beso,
it must be a very special feeling to be published.
I am so happy for you!
I love the scene you made.
Very realitic and beuatifull made.
Congratulations Eva! A well deserved honor too, your minis are wonderful. I am so happy for you. XOXO Christel
Felicidades Eva!!!! How wonderful for you!!! I'm very thrilled for you too..it is a pitty we can't buy the magazine in Holland but i do know it is a fantastic magazine!
Congratulation for this important new, this is a great roombox and I'm very happy for you.
A big hug
Muchas Felicidades Eva! Tu trabajo lo merece y esta escena en concreto es una preciosidad. Me ha encantado el detalle del pistacho para el barco. Besitos
Eva!!!felicidades,qué buena noticia y cuánto me alegro de que tengas una satisfacción tan grande.Te lo mereces porque tus trabajos son delicados y exquisitos,
Un gran abrazo,
Eva muchisimas felicidades!! Seguro seguiran apareciendo tus trabajos en las revistas y no es para menos. Tienes unas ideas y una calidad de primera. El primer trabajo que conoci tuyo fue esta escena que me tiene enamorada. Tengo desde entonces las imagenes guardadas esperando un dia me sirba de guia para hacer una.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo con toda mi admiracion.
Felicidades, es una escena preciosa,no le falta detalle y como a mi me encanta la playa,pues es divina,besos Auxi.
Eva esta escena en particular ¡me encanta!!! Como todo tu trabajo ¡Felicidades!!!!!
Un beso
Contragulations Eva, your work is lovely and deserves to be seen by many. Just catching up here, so missed your posting earlier. Very well done!
Ole,ole y oleeeeeeeeeeee¡¡¡
Felicidades por tu publicaciòn.
Es preciosa la escena
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