Me gustaría aquí agrupar los premios. Ya sabéis que yo siempre los publico, todos los que recibo. Veréis que hay 38 posts con premios en este blog. Así que este blog es básicamente de agradecimiento y para dar las gracias a todos aquellos que pensáis en mi, que me seguís y que llenáis de vida mi blog con vuestros comentarios.
Y estoy segura que además me servirá de difusión de otras cosas.
Yes!! I have a new blog for awards and other things.
I would like to group here the awards. You already know that I always publish them, all those that I receive. You can see that in this blog there are 38 posts with awards. So this blog is basically of gratefulness and to give thanks to everyone that think in me, that follow me and that fill my blog with life with your commentaries.
And I am sure that in addition will use the blog as diffusion of other things.
Thank you!
2 comentarios:
LOL, Eva, my 1st impression of your blog was that it was brimming over with award posts. Good idea to have a separate blog :)
Yes!!! Youa re right Susan.
For that reason I prefer to separate it :)
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