Me gustaría explicaros porque hace 30 años que tengo los zapatitos y como los conseguí.
El día 6 de Enero, el día de los Reyes Magos en el Roscón de Reyes o Tortell de Reis que decimos en Cataluña, sabeis que podemos encontrar una pequeña sorpresa dentro aparte de la Haba (o faba). En Inglés lo explico más porque no todo el mundo tienes esta tradición o si, pero el Roscón se llama de otra manera.
Pues cuando tenía 5 o 6 años, no estoy segura, apareció un solo zapato en nuestro Roscón. en realidad es un colgante para un collar.
La suerte quiso que al año siguiente apareciese otro exactamente igual. Tenéis razón, son preciosos, hechos con metal y delicadamente trabajdos y pintados.
Mi madre los ha estado guardando todos estos años y me los dió el otro día para mi proyecto de habitación shabby chic que no tengo ni idea cuando la haré.
Es una bonita historia ¿verdad?
I will explain the story, why for 30 years I have had the shoes and how I obtained them.
The 6th of January we celebrate the tradition of the Three magi kings or the three wise man. We have a tradition,we eat for having breakfast o for a dessert after lunch a typical cake that we call Roscón de Reyes in Spanish or Tortell de Reis in Catalan, that is where I live (translation: kings' cake), is a type of cake associated with the festival of Epiphany in the Christmas season in a number of countries. It is popular in Christmas season in France, Belgium and Switzerland (galette/gâteau des Rois), Portugal (Bolo Rei), Greece and Cyprus (yasilopita) and Bulgaria (banitsa). Of course correct me if I am wrong, please.
The cakes have a small trinket (often a small plastic baby, a tiny wise man, or a gift) inside, and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket has various privileges (such to wear the king crown) and get luck. Who find a "bean" (we call them la haba o la faba) has the obligation to pay the cake.
So when I was 5 or 6 years old, I am not sure, in our Roscón appeared one shoe (as a pendant of a neck lace). But just one.
We were vey lucky because next year in another Roscón appeared another equal tiny shoe. You are right they are gorgeous and are made with metal and detailed worked and painted
My mother has kept them all of these years and she gave them to me the other day for my shabby chic bedroom project (that I do not have any idea of when I will start).
It is a nice story, isn't it?

8 comentarios:
It´s a fantastic story, Eva, I love it. I´m glad that you didn´t get the bean or ate the shoe ;-o)
In Denmark we have a similar tradition on christmas eve where we get Riz a la mande (french anyway) for dessert. The one who gets the "mande" gets a present. When I was little, my grandfather got it and gave it to me, but he also said that I had to eat it..I couldnt because I knew that he would have kept it in his mouth
Well of course I got the present anyway ;-0))
ELCATIQue maravillosos zapatos Eva, vaya casualidad y que suerte que tu madre los guardara tantos años! Estoy deseando ver esa escena!
Un saludo
Hi Eva. Thats a lovely story and extra special. I know what it is like to find a surprsie in a cake.
I am not sure but i think there is an Irish tradition with a cake. My Mum is Irish.
Anyway, my mum would wrap a coin in foil and just before the cake went in the oven she would poke it into the mix. Then everyone would have a slice and whoever found the coin was meant to be in for lots of luck. Sometimes if my friends came for tea she would put extra coins in so we could all win the lucky coins. I loved it and can see why it is a very special memory for you too.
Nikki xxx
I love the story :):). Most of us would have thrown the shoes away by now! :) Your mum is a romantic sweetie, please give her a huge hug from me. I can't believe your luck though.That you can get 2 shoes. I think those shoes will bring you luck. So you should just start on the shabby bedroom immediately.lol
Eva, gracias por la historia de los zapatitos. Sí que es una casualidad y que bien el hecho de guardalos.
Son muy bonitos y le debes el tener el par a tu madre.
Un beso,
Pues si que es bonita la historia si, y los zapatos ya te lo dije una preciosidad. Es una suerte que tu madre los haya guardado durante tantos años. Te la habrás comido a besitos, a que si? Un beso
Estas historias entrañables son casi como un cuento de hadas.
Y es que las madres nos llegan a sorprender siempre.
Es una historia preciosa, que suerte llegar a tener el par, estaba escrito que eran para tí y para que pudieses hacer tu proyecto sea cuando sea. Besitos
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